Home Health


Avandia tablets, NLM Pillbox


Express Solicitors have begun legal proceedings against British pharmaceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline after a number of individuals have been seriously affected by the drug Avandia. The...

Common painkillers ibuprofen and diclofenac can slightly increase the risk of heart problems if taken in high doses for a long time


New data suggests that two common painkillers, ibuprofen and diclofenac, can slightly increase the risk of heart problems if taken in high doses for...

Czech mother Alexandra Kinova has beaten staggering odds to become pregnant with quintuplets without using IVF


The odds of naturally conceiving quintuplets are one in several million, according to Dr. Wright Bates, from the University of Alabama. Dr. Wright Bates told ABC...

Alexandra Kinova from Czech Republic has beaten staggering odds to become pregnant with quintuplets without using IVF


Alexandra Kinova from Czech Republic has beaten staggering odds to become pregnant with quintuplets without using IVF. Alexandra Kinova, 23, is due to give birth...

The European Commission is suing Spain over the refusal of some of its hospitals to recognize the European Health Insurance Card


The European Commission is suing Spain over the refusal of some of its hospitals to recognize the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The EHIC entitles...

The price tag on a copy of DSM-5 is escalating at more than twice the rate of inflation


DSM-5 has announced its price, an incredible $199 (and the paperback is also no bargain at a hefty $149). Compare this to $25 for a...

DSM-5 is warning of the dangerous physiological impact of caffeine intoxication


DSM-5, the latest psychiatrist bible, is warning of the dangerous physiological impact of caffeine intoxication. An overdose of caffeine is among the mental disorders included...

Cellulaze is the first scientifically validated laser cellulite treatment approved by FDA


Cellulaze, a pioneering invasive cosmetic treatment which targets the dreaded appearance of quilted, pitted fat, has hit the market causing a media storm. Affecting more...

Debbie Martin, Angelina Jolie's aunt, has died of breast cancer, nearly two weeks after the Hollywood star said she had had a double mastectomy


Debbie Martin, Angelina Jolie's aunt, has died of breast cancer, nearly two weeks after the Hollywood star said she had had a double mastectomy...

A new study claims that the excessive consumption of soda, even diet soda, affects your teeth as badly as ingesting two of the most dangerous narcotics on earth


According to a new study, the excessive consumption of soda - even diet soda – affects your teeth as badly as ingesting two of...

People with higher IQs are slow to detect large background movements because their brains filter out non-essential information


US researchers have found that people with higher IQs are slow to detect large background movements because their brains filter out non-essential information. Instead, they...

Powerful statins increase type 2 diabetes risk by 22 percent


Some statins, drugs taken to protect the heart, may increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes, according to researchers in Canada. Their study of 1.5...

Polish doctors say they have performed a total face transplant on a 33-year-old man whose face was torn off in an accident with stone-cutting machinery


Polish doctors say they have performed a total face transplant on a 33-year-old man whose face was torn off in an accident with stone-cutting...

A Tunisian man has died of the NCoV, in what is believed to be the first such case in Africa


A Tunisian man has died of the novel coronavirus (NCoV), in what is believed to be the first such case in Africa. Tunisia's health ministry...

Scientists have found that vitamin C can kill multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in the laboratory


Scientists have found that vitamin C can kill multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in the laboratory. The surprise discovery may point to a new way of tackling...

New research shows that spring cleaning can burn off even more calories than running a marathon


New research shows that spring cleaning can burn off even more calories than running a marathon. Houseproud homeowners typically burn up 3,655 calories each year...

Face Trainer is the latest product to hit the market promising a youthful complexion


Face Trainer, the latest product to hit the market promising a youthful complexion, may leave even the most dedicated beauty disciple at a loss...

Starting with 2014, the European Commission will ban the use of refillable bottles and dipping bowls of olive oil at restaurant tables


Starting with 2014, the European Commission will ban the use of refillable bottles and dipping bowls of olive oil at restaurant tables. From 1 January...

Controversy and criticism has surrounded work on the fifth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)


DSM-5, an update to one of the most important manuals in mental health - known as the bible of psychiatry - is to be...

Mushroom-rich diet followed by Katy Perry, Kelly Osbourne and Roxanne Pallett can help women lose weight without shrinking their bust


Mushroom-rich diet followed by Katy Perry, Kelly Osbourne and Roxanne Pallett can help women lose weight without shrinking their bust. The mushroom plan is being...

The mushroom plan is being touted as the latest weapon for savvy celeb dieters who want to shed pounds quickly but still keep some of their curves


The mushroom plan is being touted as the latest weapon for savvy celeb dieters who want to shed pounds quickly but still keep some...

Kim Kardashian complained about her swollen feet when she tweeted a snap of them after wearing caged Givenchy boots all day


Roger W. Harms, M.D., leading obstetrician at the Mayo Clinic, explains why women’s feet swell during pregnancy. “Your body produces and retains more fluid during...

The technique used for human cloning, somatic cell nuclear transfer, has been well-known since Dolly the sheep became the first mammal to be cloned


US scientists announce that human cloning has been used to produce early embryos, marking a "significant step" for medicine. The cloned embryos were used as...

Angelina Jolie is now planning to have her ovaries removed, following a double mastectomy after discovering she's a carrier of the BRCA1 gene


New reports reveal that Angelina Jolie is now planning to have her ovaries removed, following a double mastectomy after discovering she's a carrier of...

A Japanese study suggests women live longer than men partly because their immune systems age more slowly


A Japanese study suggests women live longer than men partly because their immune systems age more slowly. As the body's defenses weaken over time, men's...