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Economy and Politics news articles.
Jacqueline Kennedy talked about her disgust towards Martin Luther King


Jacqueline Kennedy’s voice on the tapes released yesterday is breathy and girlish, often using childishly simple vocabulary, but the sentiments expressed are withering. Recorded in...

ABC News airs "Jacqueline Kennedy: In Her Own Words" in a two-hour special reported by Diane Sawyer


Jacqueline Kennedy’s interviews. About Martin Luther King, Charles de Gaulle, Indira Ghandi and more.   Jackie Kennedy’s interviews to be released on September 13.   JFK assassination: mystery...

DSK is suing Tristane Banon for defamation, alleging she made up the "imaginary" assault as a publicity stunt


DSK is back to France.   DSK freed to return to France.   DSK spent more than three hours in a police interview as a "witness" just over...

Jackie Kennedy secret recordings will be revealed this month on the 50th anniversary of JFK's first year in office


Jacqueline Kennedy’s interviews. About Martin Luther King, Charles de Gaulle, Indira Ghandi and more.   “Jacqueline Kennedy: In Her Own Words” on ABC News tonight.   JFK assassination:...

Muammar Gaddafi Interpol Arrest


According to local sources, General Ali Kana - A senior general in Libyan ex-leader Col Muammar Gaddafi's forces - has fled to Niger.   The prosecutor...

Barack Obama


President Barack Obama asked the Congress on Thursday night to leave aside the political benefit, think about how many Americans would benefit from the...

Queen Marie-José and Benito Mussolini


A letter from Benito Mussolini’s son emerged this week claiming dictator had an affair with Marie-José, wife of heir to the Italy’s throne. Not so...

DSK and his wife, Anne Sinclair, arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport. (Reuters)


DSK under police investigation in France.   DSK freed to return to France.   Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former IMF chief has arrived in Paris from New York. Dominique Strauss-Kahn...

Jacques Chirac is the first former head of state to stand trial in France since World War II


The former France President Jacques Chirac says he is not in a fit state to attend his corruption trial, according to French media. Jacques Chirac...

Silvio Berlusconi said in July he wanted to leave Italy, which he described as a "shitty" country that "sickened" him


As a reaction to the investigations into his alleged crimes and misdemeanors, Silvio Berlusconi said in July he wanted to leave Italy, which he...

Daryl Hannah was among more than 70 people arrested Tuesday


Daryl Hannah was arrested Tuesday in front of the White House along with other environmental protesters who oppose a proposed Canada - U.S. Gulf...

Congressman Ron Paul claims the theory of human evolution is just a concept


Michele Bachmann won first poll of Republican contest for 2012 presidential race.   Rick Perry is running for the presidential race.   Congressman Ron Paul, who's campaigning for...

Vladimir Putin was riding a three wheeled Harley Davidson while he led the motorcade


Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin joined a biker gang on Monday and led them on motorcade at a festival in Novorossiysk, a Black Sea...

Yoshihiko Noda, the former Japan’s finance minister, has become the new prime minister


Naoto Kan, Japan’s PM steps down.   Yoshihiko Noda, the former Japan’s finance minister, has become the new prime minister.   Yoshihiko Noda, 54, is the seventh prime...

PM Naoto Kan announced on Friday that he resigned from his position as leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan


Yoshihiko Noda, the Japan’s new prime minister.   Naoto Kan, Japan’s Prime Minister resigned on Friday, fulfilling a promise to critics who blasted what they called...

Muammar Gaddafi might be in love with Condoleezza Rice


Libya News: The rebels take control of Tripoli   Tripoli: “Operation Mermaid Dawn”     Condoleezza Rice, the former US Secretary of State, might have a special place in...

DSK walked free from New York court yesterday, after charges against him for alleged sexual assault on a hotel maid have been dropped


DSK under police investigation in France.   DSK is back to France.   French politician and former IMF chief, DSK (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) walked free from New York court...

Stock market collapse affects average people's lives.


Are you among those who don’t invest in the stock market? Do you think stock market crashes doesn’t concern you? But… the truth is… they...

Adriana Ferreyr talked about her terror during a row over property with the 81 year old financier


George Soros sued by Brazilian ex-girlfriend.   Adriana Ferreyr, the woman who is suing billionaire George Soros for 50 million dollars spoke for the first time of...

Michele Bachmann received 28 percent of the nearly 17000 votes cast


Rick Perry is running for the presidential race.   Republican Michele Bachmann, 55, won the Iowa Straw Poll Saturday, affirming her status as a top-tier candidate...

Mubarak, who is charged with conspiring in killing of protesters and abusing his power to amass wealth


Former Egyptian leader, Hosni Mubarak's trial has been adjourned until next month, but judge says proceedings will no longer be televised.   Ahmed Rifaat, the Mubarak’s trial...

Texas Governor Rick Perry is running for the US presidential race.


Michele Bachmann won first poll of Republican contest for 2012 presidential race.   Republican Rick Perry will make the formal announcement on Saturday in Charleston, South...

Charred remains of Reeves furniture shop Croydon, South London, following riots on Monday


England riots, the fourth night. Nottingham police station firebombed, Manchester and Salford disturbances.   Three nights of rioting in London and other British cities will raise...

Hong Kong SE fell by 7.24% shortly after session opening


NYSE no longer stops falling! Dow Jones, the longest decline in 33 years!   Asian financial markets continued their decline on Tuesday, after a Monday black...

NYSE Dow Jones is the ninth consecutive day of decline marking the collapse of the longest history.


NYSE decline and its echo on Asian and European markets. Hong Kong SE fell by 7.24%.   New York Stock Exchange opened on red. A new session...