Confederate monuments taken down in Richmond will likely be moved to a black history museum and cultural center, Virginia officials have said.
An imposing statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee that was removed in September is expected to be among the monuments being transferred.

Memorials to leaders of the pro-slavery, Confederate states in the southern US have been controversial.
A community-led process will decide the fate of the memorials, officials say.
As part of the plan announced on December 30 by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, the monuments will be handed over to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia (BHMVA).
The museum will also coordinate with the city’s Valentine museum – which focuses on Richmond’s history – and the local community to determine how the monuments are used going forward.
The plan, however, still requires the approval of the local city council – which Levar Stoney will seek in January.
“Entrusting the future of these monuments and pedestals to two of our most respected institutions is the right thing to do,” Mayor Stoney said in a statement.
“They will take the time that is necessary to properly engage the public and ensure the thoughtful future uses of these artifacts.”
The collection includes monuments to a number of other prominent Confederate figures – including former Confederate president Jefferson Davis – as well as a ceremonial cannon and a monument to Confederate soldiers and sailors.
Richmond was the capital of the Confederate states during the US Civil War.
Governor Northam said that the monuments “celebrate our country’s tragic division and the side that fought to keep alive the institution of slavery by any means necessary”.
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The BHMVA’s interim executive director, Marland Buckner, said in a statement to local media that a handover of the monuments will present “opportunities to deepen our understanding of an essential element of the American story: the expansion of freedom”.
Mayor Stoney ordered that the city’s remaining Confederate monuments, including a 21 ft statue of Robert E. Lee erected in 1890, be removed amid national protests over the murder of George Floyd.
Plans to remove the Lee statue were initially delayed by two separate lawsuits by Richmond residents opposed to its removal.
Hundreds of statues of Lee and other Confederate figures still exist throughout the southern US.