Home Archives 2016 January 16

Daily Archives: Jan 16, 2016

The economic sanctions on Iran have been lifted after the country’s compliance with obligations under its nuclear agreement with world powers was certified. The EU...

Merck has agreed to settle a lawsuit with investors related to statements the company made about the safety of its painkiller, Vioxx. The American drug...

Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian and three other Iranian-American prisoners have been released in Iran as it anticipates the lifting of international sanctions. Jason Rezaian,...

Twenty three people of 18 different nationalities are now known to have been killed after Islamist militants attacked Splendid Hotel in Burkina Faso. Al-Qaeda militants...

Tsai Ing-wen has become Taiwan's first female president after winning the island's election on January 16. The 59-year-old leads the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) that...

Dan Haggerty known for staring Grizzly Adams in the 1970’s film and TV series has died at the age of 74. The actor's manager Terry...

Mos Def has been ordered to leave South Africa within 14 days after being arrested for breaking immigration laws. The American rapper, now known as...

Venezuela has declared a 60-day economic emergency as the country deals with its worsening crisis. President Nicolas Maduro will govern by decree for two months. The...