When Late Late Show host James Corden asked if Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher had already gotten married, the actress responded: “Maybe.”
Then James Corden asked to see Mila Kunis’ left ring finger and she flashed what looked like a wedding band at the audience, according to the Daily Mirror.
“They are married, look!” said James Corden, who had reportedly asked during a commercial break if he could reveal her secret.

Last month, Ellen DeGeneres got a similarly indefinite response when she tried to get Mila Kunis to admit whether she and Ashton Kutcher had tied the knot already.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher welcomed a daughter, Wyatt, in September 2014.
Ashton Kutcher had already hinted at a union between the pair. In January, he posted a message written in sand, which was signed “The Kutchers”.
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