Kathy Griffin has received death threats from Demi Lovato’s fans after she insulted the former Disney star on Twitter.
Kathy Griffin, 53, explained the fracas on The Howard Stern Show on April 8.
“I couldn’t sleep so I went on Twitter and said I’m going to tweet things using Siri, but I’m not going to correct any of the spelling,” the Bravo personality said.
When a fan asked: “Who’s the douchiest person you’ve met?”, Siri responded: “Debbie Lovato is a little douche.”
That’s when “the death threats started a flowing,” she said.
After a brief (now deleted) retort from the singer, Demi Lovato, 21, asked her fans to stop the hate.

“I love you guys so much but y’all gotta chill with sending hate towards other people,” Kathy Griffin said.
“Regardless of what they say or do. The cruel things some of you are saying can really, REALLY hurt people. It’s called cyber-bullying and somethings should NEVER be wished upon EVER. No matter WHAT.”
Kathy Griffin read Howard Stern some of the most intense tweets she received including: “@kathygriffin I will burn your house down [expletive],” “@kathygriffin I will come to your house and rape you [expletive] #lovaticswantkathygriffindead,” and “@kathygriffin don’t you ever talk [expletive] about Demi again or else us Lovatics will kill you in yourself.”
The comedian found some of the tweets comical, but said their extreme nature provoked the police to reach out to her.
“They actually contacted me,” Kathy Griffin said of the authorities.
“At that point it goes beyond Twitter hate.”
Though she said Demi Lovato isn’t off limits in her standup show, Kathy Griffin did explain: “The point is I have no problem with Demi Lovato or Debbie.”
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