J.K. Rowling is continuing to expand Harry Potter’s wizarding world with her new website, Pottermore.com.
On Friday, J.K. Rowling released the first chapter in a new, 2,400-word story about the Quidditch World Cup.
Although Quidditch has been part of Harry Potter series from the beginning, and Harry and Ron even attend the massive World Cup in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which was released in 2000, J.K. Rowling’s new story seems to take direct inspiration from the logistical struggles of the Sochi Olympics and upcoming FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

“The ICWQC [International Confederations of Wizards Quidditch Committee] has the unlucky job of regulating this contentious and anarchic competition,” J.K. Rowling writes.
“A source of vehement disagreements, a security risk for all who attend it and a frequent focus for unrest and protest, the Quidditch World Cup is simultaneously the most exhilarating sporting event on earth and a logistical nightmare for the host nation.”
The chapter goes on to list some of the most controversial rules and moments in the tournament, which stretches back to 1473, including not just the Death Eater-driven events of Goblet of Fire, but also the Attack of the Killer Forest in 1809 and Royston Idelwind and the Dissimulators of 1971.
Check Pottermore.com for more on this story.
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