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Monica Lewinsky today 2013

Monica Lewinsky, the White House intern whose affair with President Bill Clinton nearly got him kicked out of office, has made a point of declining interviews as she builds a new life.

During time, Monica Lewinsky, now 40, declined many interviews from the press, including TIME in 2009.

Her friend and former publicist, Barbara Hutson, explained that Monica Lewinsky was attempting, as best as possible, to avoid any publicity.

Monica Lewinsky, the White House intern whose affair with President Bill Clinton nearly got him kicked out of office, has made a point of declining interviews as she builds a new life
Monica Lewinsky, the White House intern whose affair with President Bill Clinton nearly got him kicked out of office, has made a point of declining interviews as she builds a new life

The New York Post reported last year, however, that Monica Lewinsky was rumored to be shopping around a $12 million dollar book deal – which promised to reveal a more salacious, detailed account of her illicit encounters with President Bill Clinton. The rumors alone have sparked a flurry of speculation about the resurrection of the scandal.

“Monica Lewinsky is Back” read a September 2012 headline in the New York Observer, echoing 15 years of headlines on the evergreen intern.

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Nancy Clayson
Nancy Clayson
Nancy is a young, full of life lady who joined the team shortly after the BelleNews site started to run. She is focused on bringing up to light all the latest news from the technology industry. In her opinion the hi-tech expresses the humanity intellectual level. Nancy is an active person; she enjoys sports and delights herself in doing gardening in her spare time, as well as reading, always searching for new topics for her articles.

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