Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly entered into a debate on working mothers this past Friday.
An argument broke out when Megyn Kelly hosted editor Erick Erickson, and fellow Fox host Lou Dobbs, in response to a discussion the two men had on Dobbs’ show.
The initial discussion centered on a recent Pew study finding that 40% of working mothers were now the breadwinners in their family.
Erick Erickson found the study troubling, advocating for women to return to their original role in the family.
“When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and a female in society, and other animals, the male typically is the dominant role,” Erick Erickson said Lou Dobbs Tonight.
“The female, it’s not antithesis, or it’s not competing, it’s a complementary role. We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to have complementary relationships in nuclear families, and it’s tearing us apart.”
Megyn Kelly, a working mother herself, had quite the bone to pick with that view during the heated segment.
“What makes you dominant, and me submissive, and who died and made you scientist-in-chief?” Megyn Kelly asked Erick Erickson.
Erick Erickson subsequently brings up the fact that three quarters of those surveyed in the poll agreed with his view.
“Just because you have people who agree with you doesn’t mean it’s not offensive,” Megyn Kelly said.
Erick Erickson wrote a follow-up piece in response to his appearance on Lou Dobbs’ show, which Megyn Kelly criticized more. Though she said she doesn’t describe herself as a feminist, Megyn Kelly said she was offended by the piece nonetheless.
“I didn’t like what you wrote one bit,” she said.
Things got especially heated when the conversation turned to Lou Dobbs, who blamed the high divorce rate on working mothers.
“Why are you attributing that to women in the workforce?” Megyn Kelly asked.
“Excuse me, let me just finish what I’m saying if I may, oh dominant one,” Lou Dobbs retorted to a clearly offended Megyn Kelly.
She turned back to Erick Erickson’s blog post where she quoted him writing: “The truth – kids most likely will do best in households where they have a mom at home nurturing them while dad is out bringing home the bacon.”
Megyn Kelly goes on to name four different studies that prove the exact opposite – that children of working mothers turn out just the same as children with stay-at-home mothers.
“I mean, why are we supposed to take your word for it? Erick Erickson’s science instead of all of these experts?”
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