Two students, named by neighbors by their first names Azmat and Diaz, who own a BMW with the license plate “Terrorista #1” and who are said to be friends with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were taken into custody for the second time on Saturday.
This time the two foreign nationals thought to be from Kazakhstan were arrested on immigration violations in the Massachusetts town, New Bedford, where police say the surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, may have once lived.
Azmat and Diaz drive a black BMW 330XI with Terrorista#1 personalized plate and a sticker on the back which reads: “F*** you, you f****** f****”.
They had not been seen since the bombings until Friday night when their ground floor apartment in New Bedford, Massachusetts, was raided by a dozen FBI agents at gunpoint.
One of their girlfriends was also arrested. All three are in their late teens or early 20s.
The three were subsequently released on Friday night before Saturday’s arrest of Azmat and Diaz.
Their apartment was raised because police say the younger Boston Marathon bombing suspect, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, may have lived at their address.
It also appeared that Dzhokhar Tweeted pictures of the BMW on his Twitter account J_tsar.
In one picture the car is next to another dark colored sports car with the caption: “Place your bets” as if they are about to race.
In another a group of boys stand by both vehicles and a youth can be seen making a gesture that looks like a gun towards the camera.
The three arrests took place at the Hidden Brook housing complex in New Bedford.
A neighbor claimed that Azmat and Diaz had said the BMW was stolen or that they claimed they had rented it and were not paying the rental fee.