A relative of Adam Lanza has revealed that the Newtown gunman had been beaten and taunted by his fellow classmates while he was a student at Sandy Hook Elementary, and his mother had considered filing a lawsuit against the school.
Speaking exclusively with the New York Daily News, Adam Lanza’s relative said that the 20-year-old who would grow up to murder his mother, Nancy, was viciously bullied by his classmates and would come home from class with bruises over his body.
Nancy Lanza was “irate” in her belief that the educators at Sandy Hook weren’t doing all in their power to protect her son, they said.
The relative told the Daily News that Adam Lanza wouldn’t confide in his mother when she asked him what was wrong.
“He would just sit there,” the relative said.
Adam Lanza shot dead 20 first graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14 in a matter of minutes, making it one of the worst school shootings in US history.
Last week, a never-before-seen photograph of Adam Lanza emerged, along with college records which include new information about the gunman including that he refused to identify his own gender when asked to do so in college documents.

Adam Lanza attended Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) for less than a year after his mother withdrew him from Newtown High School when he still only 16.
Students and teacher who remember Adam Lanza from his WCSU days recall that he was very quiet and struggled to mix with the other students although that was largely attributed at the time to him being younger than them.
Adam Lanza earned a 3.26 grade point average while there, but WCSU after less than a year in 2009, he then attended a community college, but also left that school after a year. Eventually, he worked at a part-time job for a while repairing computers, but that job ended when the business shut down.
He walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14th and opened fire killing 26 people, including 20 children, before killing himself.
He had killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, in her bed before heading to the school.
A bipartisan legislative task force in Connecticut has agreed on a major overhaul of the state’s gun laws in the aftermath of December’s deadly attack.
The draft legislation, announced on Monday, would add more than 100 types of guns to the state’s list of banned assault weapons; limit the capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; ban armor-piercing bullets; require background checks for all weapon sales, including at gun shows; establish safety standards for school buildings; allow mental health training for teachers; and expand mental health research in the state.
“Nobody will be able to say that this bill is absolutely perfect, but no one will also be able to say that this bill fails the test when it comes to being the strongest in the country and the most comprehensive bill in the country,” Connecticut Senate President Don Williams, a Democrat and a member of the task force, said Monday.
Last week, documents revealed how Adam Lanza sprayed 155 bullets at innocent children and educators during a five-minute rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School.