Marvin LaFontaine, a friend of Adam Lanza’s mother, has said the Sandy Hook gunman may have launched his murder spree as an “act of revenge” after suffering years of bullying as a student at the Connecticut school.
Marvin LaFontaine said Adam Lanza, who killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School, one of the worst school shooting in America’s history, had been harboring resentment towards the Connecticut school for years.
The family friend also said mother Nancy Lanza was so angered by the school’s inability to protect Adam, she would sometimes sit in his class to make sure nobody touched him.
Marvin LaFontaine, who was also Adam Lanza’s Cub Scout leader when he was a young boy, told the New York Daily News: “I think Adam felt betrayed by the school and this was his act of revenge.”
He said he was told by Nancy Lanza that Adam was picked on at school.
Marvin LaFontaine said: “Adam was an easy target. He was quiet and he would never fight back.”
On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot his mother then went on to spray 155 bullets at innocent children and educators during a five-minute bloody rampage that ended with 20 dead school children and 6 dead staff members before he shot and killed himself.

Marvin LaFontaine said Adam Lanza’s childhood experience of Sandy Hook centered on bullying.
The family friend said this angered Nancy Lanza, who would sometimes attend the school unannounced to act as her son’s “bodyguard”.
“Adam didn’t like her showing up,” Marvin LaFontaine said.
“She would sometimes sit in the back of the class and make sure no one would touch him.”
Nancy Lanza also moved Adam in and out of the school and sometimes home schooled him, according to the report.
At the same time, Adam Lanza’s mother was amassing an arsenal of weapons at the house, where investigators found more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition, two rifles, a BB gun, a starter’s pistol, nine knives, a 7-foot spear, a bayonet and three samurai swords.
Documents released as part of the investigation noted that Nancy Lanza may also have been facilitating her son’s fascination with weapons.
Nancy and Adam Lanza reportedly “bonded” during several sessions spent together at a shooting range.
According to the investigation, which is ongoing and may not be complete until June or later, each of the weapons used in the attack was legally licensed to Nancy Lanza.
They also found that Adam Lanza possessed articles on other shootings and a holiday card containing a check made out to him for the purchase of a firearm, authored by Nancy Lanza
Documents indicate that authorities found Nancy Lanza’s gun safe open with shotgun shells and numerous boxes of bullets.
A family friend told the Daily News that, in the months leading up to the shooting, Adam Lanza would dress up in military camouflage and target shoot in his basement with a pellet gun.
The family friend also said Adam Lanza’s dream was to become a Marine like his uncle Jim.
However, a man with mental health issues as marked as Adam Lanza’s is all but guaranteed to be turned away from serving in the armed forces.
That may have also contributed to an emotional break in the young man that led to his killing spree.
“I think that when he found out he couldn’t be a Marine because of his condition, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” the source told the Daily News.
Nothing in this NY Daily News article is true…
In fact, Adam Lanza was NEVER bullied, meaning you’re reading a NY Daily News/government psy-op (and I’m not referring to the United States government, either. Guess what nation wants assault weapons banned in America, and you have the answer: China):
‘”Lynch says Lanza was “a nice kid when he did talk to you,” and “not a bad person.”
Lanza “kept to himself, and everyone left him alone,” Lynch says. “I can never recall him getting bullied.”‘ — ‘Classmate says Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook school’, USA Today, December 19, 2012.
“Adam was not physically bullied, although he may have been teased, Novia said.” — ‘Adam Lanza Was A ‘Loner’ Who Felt Little Pain: Teacher’, The Huffington Post, 12/15/12.
And, contrary to the article saying that Adam’s school was so indifferent to Adam being bullied, that his mother took him out of school,
“Richard Novia, who formerly advised the Newtown High School tech club that was one of Lanza’s few social outlets, said Lanza had been placed in a special program for students who were considered at risk of being bullied — though he had no recollection of Lanza being harassed.” — ‘Adam Lanza’s family had kept a watchful eye on him’, LA Times, 12/17/12.
‘“He had Asperger’s,” Jennifer says, confirming media reports. After being home schooled in 7th and 8th grades, Adam took freshman classes in a portable classroom at the high school. He was 13 years old.
“He didn’t want to be around people,” Jennifer explains. “Our goal was to get him back in the building.”
Adam’s mother Nancy would drop him off, then sit in the next room while Jennifer worked with him.
“He was very OCD. He’d clean the desk with Purell,” Jennifer remembers.
“He had a great ‘Latin mind.’ The language is very structured, and that fit well with him. He always knew the answers — but he wouldn’t say anything.
“The day he made his first joke, I almost cried.”
The next year, Adam moved into the high school building.
“He trusted me,” Jennifer says. “He started talking — that was a big thing. And he looked at me, with big eyes.” They were not the same eyes, she says, that the world has seen in “that horrible picture.”
Every day as a sophomore “he wore the same uniform: a blue shirt and khaki pants. He probably had 5 sets of them. The next year, it was a green plaid shirt.”
And — as Newtown students have reported — he always carried a briefcase.
“The hallways were narrow. It was difficult to walk through,” Jennifer says. “Adam would have his shoulder against the wall, with his briefcase out to protect him. He always took the same route, and never deviated from it.”
But, Jennifer says, “I never saw him lose it, or have a tantrum.”
Newtown students — like those she knows now at Staples High — are “very respectful of differences,” she says. “There was never any meanness or bullying. They’d ask Adam to sit with them.”
After 3 years Adam left Newtown, to take classes at Western Connecticut State University. Jennifer says he earned his GED there.”‘ — ‘Jennifer Huettner, And The Adam Lanza She Knew’, 06880 [Where Westport meets the world], 12/21/12.
See where LaFontaine says, ‘“She [Adam’s mother] was so upset that the teachers weren’t protecting him from the bullies that she went with him like a bodyguard,” said LaFontaine, who was also Lanza’s Cub Scout leader when he was a young boy.”‘
So, how much is LaFontaine being payed to tell such lies?
And there’s more:
What happened to the two OTHER suspects arrested? Who were they? Why have authorities/media refused to explain their arrests? Names need’t be given, but the fact that details of their arrests weren’t provided means a cover-up is taking place.
How is it that the police couldn’t tell the difference between the assault rifle casings lying on the ground for hand gun casings? Why do I ask that question? Because the police initially said only hand guns were used, yet the official account is that the primary weapon used was an AR-15, leaving hundreds of casings on the ground! Also, the victim’s wounds would also have immediately clued-in the police that an assault rifle was the primary weapon used, not a hand gun as initially reported.
Are you beginning to get that odd feeling in the back of your head? Well, there’s more:
Why was Robbie Parker, the father of six-year-old Emilie Parker, laughing and joking the next day as he approached the news conference microphones? Then just before he speaks to the media, he gets into character as if he’s about to perform a part in a movie or play. Then when he speaks, there are NO tears. In fact, if you watch the interviews of school staff or other victims’ relatives (on YouTube), faces are contorted, yet NO tears!
Then we had the police chief threatening to arrest those who were asking inconvenient questions about Sandy Hook. He accused bloggers of making unfounded statements concerning the incident, though it was the police itself who were making the unfounded statements, such as initially saying only a hand gun was used. It was CBS itself that reported a second suspect was under arrest, and the suspect’s home being searched by SWAT. So naturally bloggers wanted to know who was that second suspect. But instead of clearing up any confusion about a second suspect, the police chief threatened our Second Amendment right to free speech by threatening to arrest bloggers! as if he could!
The same thing happened at the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shootings last August. All the eyewitnesses at the temple reported three to four white males entering the temple and shooting, yet the authorities/media tells us only one shooter was involved.
Then we had oddities with the July 20, 2012 shooting at the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Weapon used…again, assault rifle.
We’re told that the emergency exit fire doors were not alarmed (silent alarm) at the theater complex! An obvious lie, since fire codes all over the nation require cinema emergency exit fire doors be alarmed. Now, if someone were to exit those doors to go to the parking lot and gear up as James Holmes is said to have, then by the time he gets back to the parking lot door, it’s already been locked by theater staff! Of course, if theater staff failed to lock both of the emergency fire exit doors (the theater door and parking lot door), the fire department is then immediately dispatched with the police in tow, and police were already at the theater, meaning when James Holmes got back into the theater the police would have been there to greet him!
Of all the theories for motive out there, politically, psychologically, socially and all other aspects: The one that seems to fit like a glove is that Lanza was raped/molested by Father Castaldo at St. Rose of Lima for two years when he first moved there at age 6 and attended there. It was hushed and settled by his mother (heavily Catholic) and father, and gag ordered by the courts as part of the settlement. His parents divorced eventually as a result, he resented his mother, and he never developed socially because he was hiding the fact he was priest raped.
If this were true, the government and church would never let this motive be known, as it would bring not only into question the liability by the church for behavior directly linked to their pedophilia, but would also question the use of gag order allowance in cases of sexual abuse our courts were senselessly allowing. It would also explain why authorities destroyed Adam Lanza’s computer hard drive (sorry, no way Lanza did it). That was just a plain lie as any psychologist would tell you. “I think I’ll go shoot my mother in the head in an act of rage, then commit mass murder at a school…….but first I need to go destroy my computer hard drive”. Yeah…right.