A new photo of Newtown killer Adam Lanza has emerged today along with his college records.
The documents revealed the Sandy Hook gunman refused to identify his own gender when asked to do so in college papers.

Adam Lanza attended Western Connecticut State University for less than a year after his mom withdrew him from Newtown High School when he still only 16.
When asked his gender on a student background information form, Adam Lanza wrote: “I choose not to answer.”
According to records obtained by CBS News, Adam Lanza also wrote the same in response to the question: “How do you describe yourself?”
The new photo of Adam Lanza was his student ID during his time at Western Connecticut State University and shows a gaunt young man with an unusual stare.
Students and teacher who remember him from his WCSU days recall that he was very quiet and struggled to mix with the other students although that was largely attributed at the time to him being younger than them.
Adam Lanza earned a 3.26 grade point average while there. He dropped out of a German language class and withdrew from a computer science class, but earned an A in a computer class, A-minus in American history and B in macroeconomics.
He left WCSU after less than a year in 2009, he then attended a community college, but also left that school after a year.
Eventually, Adam Lanza worked at a part-time job for a while repairing computers, but that job ended when the business shut down.
Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14th, 2012, and opened fire killing 26 people, including 20 children, before killing himself.
He had killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, in her bed before heading to the school.
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