Celebrity make-up artist Lisa Eldridge is helping non-celebrities look glamorous at home via her regular video beauty tutorials.
Lisa Eldridge shares her professional expertise with the world via her website, LisaEldridge.com.
Her latest step-by-step guide – how to achieve a glowing, youthful make-up look for mature skin – is proving to be a huge hit as over 160,000 people have logged on to watch her make over 64-year-old model Yvonne Ellis.
Aimed at those over the age of 50, the video shows viewers how to achieve a youthful complexion and coverage of blemishes, without layering on heavy make-up.
“Most women over the age of 50 want to know how to approach foundation so that it won’t emphasize lines and how to make-up their eyes” says Lisa Eldridge, who receives thousands of letters from women every week.
Lisa Eldridge first suggests using a fresh and balmy foundation that can be easily be worked into the skin.
She uses Bobbi Brown Moisturizing Balm to provide a foundation-like coverage without accentuating wrinkles and lines.
Lisa Eldridge suggests: “When it comes to skin, never try to ‘paper over the cracks’ as people say, because it just doesn’t work.
“If you put heavy foundation on, or something that’s drying, it’s going to sit in all the lines, it’s going to emphasize them, and you’re going to make yourself look much much older.”
Under the eyes Lisa Eldridge suggests avoiding lots of light reflecting products as they can look white, and instead uses a small amount of Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer in the corner of the eye to cover any darkness.
If there are any more obvious marks or blemishes, Lisa Eldridge recommends using a heavier coverage specifically on those areas with a small make-up brush, such as Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation.

In keeping with her emphasis on lighter, more moisturizing products being best for more mature skin, Lisa Eldridge uses a cream blusher, working it in from the apple of the cheek, in a wide circle, and carries it up the cheekbone to achieve “definition without any harsh lines”.
When it comes to eyes, Lisa Eldridge contradicts the often held belief that older women cannot wear much eye make-up, saying: “I think as you get older you actually need more make-up around your eyes in terms of defining make up.”
She uses a mauve color across the whole eye lid and warns that using colors that are too warm may clash with grey hair.
Again the eye shadow is a cream based product to avoid emphasizing lines and Lisa Eldridge follows the Clinique Lid Smoothie with a small amount of a darker mauvy-brown eye shadow from the No7 Stay Perfect Eyeshadow palette to add further definition.
Softly blended eyeliner (Sigma small eyeliner) should be applied to upper and lower lids, sweeping slightly upward to avoid dragging the eye down, followed by curling the lashes and applying mascara.
When it comes to brows, Lisa Eldridge says a soft brow works best on older women, and care should be taken to create subtle matt look on the lips to avoid the “Barbara Cartland” look.
A sweep of bronzer down the sides of the face and across the tops of the cheek bones brightens and completes the look.
Yvonne Ellis looks fresh and radiant in what Lisa Eldridge describes as a “dressy-day look”, but the celebrity make –up artist also shows viewers how to transform the look into an evening make-up.
“I think if you’re going out in the evening, you can up the ante and put on a slightly deeper lip,” she says.
“It’s nice to have a bit of color on your lips as long as it’s not too intense, or drying.”
The video has already been watched more than 160,000 times and has received over 1,600 comments, with some younger women even commented that the video makes them less afraid of aging.
[youtube f-SZA1tkViU]