Hollywood actress Ashley Judd is reportedly poised to announce her candidacy for U.S. Senate in May.
Speculation has been rife for days that Ashley Judd is planning to challenge incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in her home state of Kentucky.
Ashley Judd has reportedly set a date to publicly confirm the move, telling her key advisers and political figures that she’ll announce the run for the Democratic nomination around the Kentucky Derby – an event in early May that brings national focus to Louisville.
According to the Huffington Post, Ashley Judd has attempted to quash the claims.
“I am not sure who is saying this stuff, but it is not I!” the actress and social activist told the news website.
“I’d prefer as a fan of your journalism that you stay accurate and credible. We told everyone who called us [Friday] these stories are fabrications.”

But, according to the Huffington Post, Ashley Judd, 44, failed to directly respond to questions about whether or not she had decided to run or if she’d chosen when she would declare such plans.
“I know she knows she has to declare soon,” a highly placed elected official, who declined to be identified, told the website.
“She could always change her mind. I changed my mind twice before I finally declared. But as of now it is a done deal.”
According to the Huffington Post, sources have revealed Ashley Judd discussed her intentions with former Gov. Wendell H. Ford, 88, who is the dean of Kentucky Democrats.
President Barack Obama-supporter Ashley Judd has so far refused to speak publicly about her political aspirations, but all the signs are pointing towards a confirmation sooner rather than later.
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