Nina Agdal stars in an advert for Carl’s Jr. which aired during the most coveted commercial slot of the year – the Super Bowl.
Nina Agdal, 20,can be seen devouring a burger while oiled up in a black string bikini on the beach.
The Danish beauty alternates between lathering herself in tanning lotion and tucking into the fast food chain’s Charbroiled Atlantic Cod Fish Sandwich.
There are plenty of sexy shots of Nina Agdal’s ample bosom and pert bottom as she reclines on the sand.
Nina Agdal chows down on the charbroiled burger while taking her bikini top off to get a better tan line.
She later is seen making her way into the ocean for a swim without the top of her two-piece.

As she lounges on a towel, Nina Agdal is approached by an extremely sunburnt male suitor, who compliments her “nice sandwich”.
A voiceover then says: “Sometimes, you don’t want to get fried.”
Nina Agdal has revealed: “I had some bites but had to spit some out, too. I think I went through around 50 sandwiches that day, if not more! But I still ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”|
She added: “It’s just me in a bikini, hanging out in Maui, Hawaii, and I brought my fish sandwich, I’m just hanging out on the beach, and this guy comes up – and I think I’m rejecting him – even though he’s really cute and sunburned.”
After Carl’s Jr. announced that Nina Agdal would star in their Super Bowl ad, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2012 rookie of the year quickly gained 26,000 Twitter followers in less than 12 hours.
Nina Agdal told Fox: “It’s crazy – my Twitter is blowing up. The reaction has been very, very positive.”
The advert bodes well for Nina Agdal if she is set to cover the next issue of Sports Illustrated, as former cover girl Kate Upton has also starred in a commercial for Carl’s Jr.
[youtube VyuT-spwH8s]
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