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Star Wars 3D: Attack Of The Clones and Revenge of the Sith release delayed

The scheduled 3D release of two episodes of the Star Wars franchise has been postponed to enable filmmakers to concentrate on the next installment in the series.

Lucasfilm confirmed that Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones and Episode III – Revenge of the Sith would be delayed.

Last week Disney announced that Star Trek director JJ Abrams would direct the forthcoming movie, Episode VII.

The film is set for a 2015 release.

Disney bought Lucasfilm, the company behind Star Wars, from creator George Lucas last month for $4.06 billion.

The scheduled 3D release of two episodes of the Star Wars franchise has been postponed to enable filmmakers to concentrate on the next installment in the series
The scheduled 3D release of two episodes of the Star Wars franchise has been postponed to enable filmmakers to concentrate on the next installment in the series

Episode I – The Phantom Menace was released in 3D last February and earned $22.4 million in the US in its opening weekend.

The original prequels were released between 1999 an 2005.

JJ Abrams directed the Star Trek reboot in 2009 and its upcoming sequel, Star Trek into Darkness, to be released May.

Lucas said he was the “ideal choice” to direct the seventh movie in the series – due out in 2015 – adding “the legacy couldn’t be in better hands”.

It will be scripted by Oscar-winning writer Michael Arndt.

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Sonia Pantiss
Sonia Pantiss
Sonia is the heart and the artist of the team. She loves art and all that it implies. As Sonia says, good music, a well directed movie, or attending a music or film festival melts people’s heart and make them better. She is great at painting and photography. Working on scrapbooks is her favorite activity.

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