American entrepreneur Tech Tips announces that the iPhone manicure is on its way.
In May 2013, Tech Tips is to launch Nano Nails – a false nail that contains a microchip and performs the same tasks as a traditional smartphone stylus.
According to Sri Vellani, the woman behind Nano Nails, women’s fashion choices should never be limited by a smartphone and she believes the microchipped falsie is the perfect solution.
Expected to retail at $10, Nano Nails, which come in packets of six or four, will also be available in nail tip form.
Tips and falsies can be applied at home or in a salon as part of a manicure.
Although Nano Nails can be a little tricky to use at first, says Sri Vellani, they work like a normal stylus and are even more convenient as you always have it to hand.
The falsies are a spinoff from Sri Vellani’s first smartphone related brainwave – the Tech Tips stylus.
Also designed to help keep your mani looking fresh, the Tech Tips stylus slips on over your natural fingernails or even gloves and also helps fend off chips, although you do have to fish it out of your bag every time your phone rings.
The latest in a line of unusual nail treatments, the smartphone manicure taps into the huge statement nails trend.
[youtube i11sWow3DqI]