Yesterday it was revealed that Jill Kelley was taunted over her large nose in high school and vowed to get plastic surgery to make it look better.
Perhaps the episode points to an inner frailty about her looks that drove her determination to have a string of powerful men in her thrall.
Jill Kelley, the woman who is at the center of the scandal that has felled two top generals told fellow pupils when she and her twin sister, Natalie Khawam, were 18, that they were “going to get a nose job and when we you do you’ll all be in awe of us”.
She was also “flirtatious”, gave boys she met a big grin and used to wear tight blue jeans which brought many an admiring male gaze.
It is not clear if Jill Kelley followed through on her promise to get plastic surgery.
The claims show that Jill Kelley’s interest in carefully crafting her image started at an early age.
Since the David Petraeus scandal broke, Jill Kelley has appeared in public “looking a million dollars”, notably in a bright yellow dress and three inch heels as she climbed into her Mercedes outside her mansion in Tampa, Florida yesterday and today in a polished pink and gold heels ensemble.
Judging by pictures in her high school yearbook, then Jill Khawam was glamorous and well aware of her charms even at a young age.

In her official 1993 graduation photo for Lower Moreland High School in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, Jill Khawam posed wearing a black dress and pearls around her neck with her jet black hair tumbling over her left shoulder.
Her body is turned to the left and has a radiant grin on her face
Jill Kelley, 37, has become the central figure in the scandal which has caused General David Petraeus, 60, to step down as head of the CIA and forced General John Allen to stand down from his post leading US troops in Afghanistan.
General John Allen, who is married, sent her between 20,000 to 30,000 e-mail messages, some of which were of an inappropriate nature.