Donald Trump has made his first public appearance since “huge announcement” as a guest on the Late Show With David Letterman to further explain the offer which turned out to be a $5 million charity donation in exchange for Barack Obama’s old college and passport records.
When asked by David Letterman why he was orchestrating the demand, Donald Trump replied: “Transparency.”
He added: “There’s too much we don’t know about our president.”
When David Letterman asked what kind of damning evidence would be revealed by college records, Donald Trump said: “A line saying place of birth” – an apparent indication that Trump still may not believe the president was born in the U.S., despite Barack Obama’s release of his birth certificate last year.
“I hope everything [in Obama’s records] is perfect – and it might be.”
“If it was negative – there wouldn’t be an election.”
On the subject of Barack Obama’s birth certificate, Donald Trump said that it took Obama six years to provide it, when “I could give it to you in less than an hour.”
As the audience applauded, Donald Trump raised his hands, relishing in the moment on the late night stage.
But David Letterman ordered the crowd to stop clapping, saying “the breeze will disturb [Trump’s] hair”.
Moving along, Donald Trump said that what he likes most about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is his stance on China before showing off his shirt and tie line currently being sold at Macy’s stores.
But as David Letterman quickly revealed, the ties were made in China.

Hours earlier, Donald Trump has received an counter-offer to his “bordering-on-gigantic” news about the President.
Donald Trump had hyped his “big reveal” for several days on major news outlets while incessantly tweeting about his “game changer” information in the final weeks before the election.
Political satirist Stephen Colbert has now ramped up the stakes for the Apprentice star by offering Donald Trump a donation to a charity of his choice – with rather more x-rated consequences.
On his Comedy Central show The Colbert Report, the sarcastic host told the audience: “Mr. Trump, I will write you a cheque to the charity of your choice for $1million…. if you will let me dip my balls in your mouth.”
Stephen Colbert added: “Nothing would make me happier than to write this cheque… and nothing would make America happier than something going into your mouth instead of coming out of it.”
Donald Trump had yet to respond to Stephen Colbert’s offer which the comic set for “5:00 p.m. on October 31” – the same deadline that Trump gave Barack Obama.
The billionaire made his YouTube offer on Wednesday at noon, promising to donate $5 million to a charity of Barack Obama’s choice if he revealed the information.
Donald Trump denied his elaborate staging was a publicity stunt, insisting this was “not a media event”, but instead is “about the United States of America”.
Stephen Colbert, who is left-leaning, was far from the only public figure to mock the billionaire businessman.
Broadcaster Barbara Walters scolded her “friend” on The View today saying: “Donald, you’re not hurting Obama, you’re hurting Donald, and that hurts me because you’re a decent man.”
Donald Trump was characteristically unrepentant today, returning to Twitter to directly respond: “@BarbaraJWalters @theviewtv – Why did you choose me as one of the 10 Most Fascinating People of the Year last season (and more than once?)”
The Internet exploded yesterday with mock responses to Donald Trump’s announcement.
Comedian Andy Borowitz tweeted: “Attention parents: if you give your children even the tiniest bit of attention now, maybe they won’t grow up to be Donald Trump.”
Observers on the right also slated Donald Trump, who has publicly endorsed Republican Mitt Romney.
Jim Geraghty of the conservative National Review, wrote: “If at any point you seriously considered Donald Trump for president, please study the error of your ways in quiet, private contemplation.”
However there was support for Donald Trump’s actions with those echoing his call for most transparency from the President including conservative talk show host Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter.
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