According to a new research, dinner lady arms, bingo wings, dubble chubble or rump lumps … whatever you call those wobbly upper arms are women’s most hated part of their body.
The research found that three-quarters of women hate their bingo wings, the flaps of skin which hang under the triceps – and they plague some men, too.
Caused by sagging skin and excess weight, they are almost impossible to shift with ordinary exercise routines, no wonder then that a cream claiming to banish the bulge almost instantly has become a sell-out, shifting one million units in the UK in just two months.
The £12.95 ($20) NIP+FAB Upper Arm Fix contains natural ingredients that target fatty acids and firm the skin to reduce lines and wrinkles and trial results showed a significant reduction in upper arm size in six weeks along with 23% smoother skin, according to its makers.
“Studies have shown that 73 percent of women hate their bingo wings more than any other part of their body,” said Maria Hatzistefanis, of Nip+Fab.
“The majority of women are unhappy with the appearance of their arms and struggle to achieve the toned look. Sadly it affects us all at some stage and for many women it happens when they are still quite young.”
“This helps banish the curse of bingo wings and allows women to dress in fashions they may have avoided because they wanted to keep their upper arms under wraps.”

The “wonder” cream also comes with a celebrity following: Tess Daly, Alexandra Burke and Towie’s Sam and Billie Faires are already fans.
Alexandra Burke says: “I love Nip + Fab Upper Arm Fix for sculpting and toning my arms – it’s definitely one of my beauty hero’s.”
And Sam Faiers says: “I love the NIP+FAB range and the Upper Arm Fix is my personal favorite. I’m all about toned arms for strapless evening dresses.”