Kim Kardashian was left embarrassed when less than 50 people turned up to see her at the nightclub Hush in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Kim Kardashian, 31, had jetted into New York to Charlotte for the event, which is also where the Democratic National Convention was being held.
While that was being attributed to the almost no show, the event was dubbed as the convention after party, so the club’s bosses will have expected a solid turn out.
The reality star posted a picture of a half glass of champagne on her Twitter page, writing: “It’s that kinda night!”
Kim Kardashian finally left after two hours, with one source claiming she was furious after the house band stated that “this place is empty”.

Se had been in New York earlier promoting her True Reflection perfume at the Lord & Taylor store as well as attending Fashion’s Night Out.
Kim Kardashian looked rather striking despite the plain black high-neck dress thanks to the efforts of her giant metal belt around her waist.
She polished off the gothic look with gelled back hair, tweeting: “Loving this slicked back hair by Michael Silva.”
Kim Kardashian also applied theatrical eyeshadow and liner, crediting the look to her make-up artist: “Fierce glam tonight by @kristoferbuckle.”
To which he gushed: “What a pleasure to work on a beauty like @KimKardashian.”
It was a nice surprise to see Kim Kardashian experimenting with some varied footwear, after being glued to her favorite shoes of the season recently.
Last evening she chose ankle cuffed heels, compared to her beloved Givenchy boots she wore earlier today for the third time in recent weeks.