John Kelly, a small business owner and youth baseball coach from Chicago could be ruined after his friends and family exposed his racist Facebook rant against Whiney Houston.
John Kelly used the “n” word to describe Whitney Houston on his own Facebook account.
The offensive term was spotted by a family friend and re-posted on Westside Baseball of Oak Lawn Facebook page.
John Kelly has been suspended as president of the team amid denials he is racist.
The post reads: “I’m so sick of reading about this dumb stupid N ***** Whitney Houston.
“She’s the dumb ass that decided to do drugs n kill herself stay with that woman beater … she blew more $$ up her nose than most of ye will make in yer lifetime …
“There are kids dying real fathers n mothers fighting for their lives…grow up ye dumb assess…think she’d give a flying f*** about u???? Just saying.”

Terrified for his children’s safety following his racist post, John Kelly claims he has many black friends.
“I didn’t even realize I put it in until after I sent it,” John Kelly told the Chicago Sun-Times.
John Kelly said his Facebook page is restricted to friends and family only and a black former player’s mother saw the comment and re-posted it on her Facebook page and on the league’s page.
“I don’t need this drama in my life. It’s going to affect me hugely, and my business,” said John Kelly, known as a family man.
Suspended from coaching for a year, John Kelly is unrepentant about the sentiments expressed in his controversial comment.
He said he was personally appalled that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie lowered flags to half-staff at state buildings on the day of Whitney Houston’s funeral.
John Kelly said that as a known drug addict Whitney Houston should not be promoted as a role model for kids.
“I do stand behind everything I said except the n-word. I regret using that adjective,” explained John Kelly.
“Does that make me a racist? Are you kidding me? It was the farthest thing from my mind. I have some amazing friends who are black.”
The mother who exposed John Kelly’s rant asked not to be identified publicly.
“John and I had been cordial because our kids are close friends,” she said.
“He would make implications, post a picture of something, but he never used the n-word.
“If this is the way he talks, what is he thinking when he has a black kid in the field?”
Even though John Kelly claims he apologized to her last week, the mother is still incensed.
“Do you want this guy around your children,” she said.
Meeting John Kelly in a local Dunkin-Donuts, the anonymous mother said the meeting went badly.
“He asked why I was attacking him personally,” she said.
“I told him I just felt like the [Whitney Houston] comment was the last straw and that I didn’t think he was a good role model for children. He started swearing.”
Now attending sensitivity classes at his own behest, John Kelly caused major embarrassment for his colleagues at Westside Baseball.
“He’s wrong. He knows it. He apologized,” said Acting President Jim Hebel.
“How you deal with it is up for debate.”