Following Whitney Houston’s death claims emerged stating that singer was disheveled and incoherent and that she interrupted an E! interview the Thursday before her death.
However, according to Radaronline, this is false and a source said: “Whitney waited until E! had finished filming to say hello. Clive, Brandy and Monica were doing interviews with multiple media outlets to promote their performance at the pre-Grammy party.
“The interview was finished, and the E! crew was off to the side taking their equipment down, and the trio was awaiting the next outlet to come in and set up. As soon as the E! crew saw Whitney enter the room, they started rolling their cameras. Whitney came over, and said hello to all three. She was completely sober, coherent, and absolutely respectful. She just wanted to wish Brandy and Monica good luck.”

The Beverly Hilton hotel room where Whitney Houston died in is said to be fully booked for the “foreseeable future” it has been reported.
Meanwhile, Whitney Houston’s death certificate has been released, but failed to determine the cause of death listing “pending investigation” as the manner of death and “deferred” is written for the immediate cause.
While it is known that Whitney Houston drank alcohol and had taken prescription drugs before her death it is still not clear what the exact cause is – and it has been reported it will be hard to get a clear picture of exactly what she was taking.