Tito Hernandez and Christine Orta have set up a tent outside the entrance of a Best Buy store in St Petersburg, Florida, in an attempt to hunt this year early Black Friday bargains.
Line waiting duties with be shared with their family members and friends to make sure they are first in the store when it opens at midnight on Thursday.
“We got here on Monday, Monday night and we set up tent and our game plan is to stay here til about Thursday, Thursday afternoon, it’s not easy, it is hot,” Tito Hernandez told ABC Action News.
“It’s not the oddest thing I’ve done, but it’s pretty crazy. It’s different,” explained Christine Orta.

The campers hope that they are the first ones in line to be able to come through the door and get their hands on a flat-screen TV.
“I’m interested in the 42″ and the 55″, but mostly the 55″ that’s similar to the one right up here,” said Christine Orta pointing to a 55″ Samsung.
Jade Esparza, the General Manager of Best Buy store said he was happy to see the dedicated bargain hunters.
“It’s great. We think it’s fantastic, and we welcome everyone to come out,” said Jade Esparza in a report by ABC Action News.
However, some shoppers were not impressed by their efforts.
“I think it’s crazy,” remarked one shopper as she walked past.
Drisana Pollack was at the store shopping and wondered what the tent was for.
“I could not believe that somebody would wait out here for three, four, five days just for the Black Friday event,” she said.
Meanwhile, the petition grows to more than 10,000 as Best Buy employees protest the early opening of the store.
Millions of shoppers will be out hunting for the best bargains of the year with discounts of 90 per cent and beyond for those at the front of the queue.
Retailers are hoping for a boost to their sales following the economic downturn which has seen shoppers spend less and become more savvy with their money.
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