Monday, March 10, 2025

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Ashton Kutcher: “The status of truth” video shows him not wearing the wedding ring.

Following his reported fling with Sara Leal on his sixth wedding anniversary, Ashton Kutcher has filmed a bizarre video addressing what he perceives as “The status of truth” in the media.

Ashton Kutcher, 33, has posted the video on new social network site Chime.In. The film shows him not wearing his wedding ring and making a plea for greater “honesty” in the press.

“I just wanted to open up a little dialogue on the state of honesty. The state of truth. The status of truth as it pertains to literature and media,” Ashton Kutcher says.

“Because publishers had a limited amount of inventory, publishers held great scrutiny over what they would be willing to print – they were the gatekeepers of the truth.”

“If it seemed like something wasn’t the truth, they wouldn’t print it because their reputation was on the line.”

 “The status of truth”, the video Ashton Kutcher has posted on Chime.In  shows him not wearing his wedding ring and making a plea for greater “honesty” in the press
“The status of truth”, the video Ashton Kutcher has posted on Chime.In shows him not wearing his wedding ring and making a plea for greater “honesty” in the press

Ashton Kutcher continues with an explanation of how he seems to perceive the media at present.

“When the cost structure comes down on printing… the level of honesty of literature started to plummet, the integrity of literature started to plummet because it was so easy to do.”

“I started thinking about that in relation to media and social media today where the threshold to actually have literature printed and distributed, the cost threshold is zero dollars. Thereby there is no gatekeeper of the truth.

“We are our own editors, we are our own publishers and we are our own printers. Thereby, people can bastardize the truth in any way, shape or form that they want and spread that around the world,” the actor says.

“There’s that old saying where a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can leave someone’s lips… I was thinking that we really have to take it upon ourselves to instill a level of honesty in the works in the media that we create and share with one another and be certain that we are doing our own diligence that what we are saying is for the benefit of another.”

In an ironic coincidence, a new Nikon camera commercial starring Ashton Kutcher has just been released, which mirrors somewhat the reported events when he had a fling with Sara Leal, 22, in his San Diego hotel suite last month.

The Nikon commercial, which was filmed and broadcast prior to the alleged events in San Diego, shows him flirting with a group of models, taking pictures from the balcony of his hotel room with Nikon’s new long lens Coolpix camera.

The new clip follows previous adverts which have portrayed Ashton Kutcher as a mischievous ladies man.

The final shot of Nikon commercial could be said to imitate Ashton Kutcher’s reported affair, when he allegedly invited a group of women to party with him in his suite, while wife Demi Moore was thousands of miles away in New York.

As a Kabbalah devotee, Ashton Kutcher is said by Radar Online to have apologized for his behavior to Demi Moore and the pair are said to be trying to patch things up.

Not long after the Sara Leal story broke, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were spotted spending Yom Kippur at the Cachuma Lake camp ground near Santa Barbara, accompanied by the couple’s Kabbalah instructor Yehuda Berg and Ashton’s friend Eric Buterbaugh.

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Our Fashion addicted Lisa is responsible for the Entertainment category. She likes to be on top of all the news about celebrities and events related to them.

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