U.S. News

The Interview full movie released online through dedicated website

The Interview has been released online after Sony cyber-attack and a row over its release. The Sony Pictures movie is…

10 years ago

Antonio Martin shooting: St Louis clashes after white police officer kills another black teenager

Missouri police have clashed with protesters in St Louis after an officer shot dead a black teenager close to where…

10 years ago

The Interview to screen in US movie theaters

North Korea satire The Interview will be screened by a limited number of movie theaters on Christmas Day, Sony Pictures…

10 years ago

Dontre Hamilton: Department of Justice to review fatal shooting of Milwaukee black man by white officer

The Department of Justice will review the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man by white police officer Christopher Manney…

10 years ago

Ismaaiyl Brinsley: New York shooter boasted to onlookers

Ismaaiyl Brinsley, the man who shot dead two NYPD officers, told members of the public "watch what I'm going to…

10 years ago

James Holmes: Parents make plea for Aurora gunman’s life

The parents of James Holmes, the man charged with killing 12 people in the 2012 Aurora theatre massacre, have pleaded…

10 years ago

The Interview: North Korea to go back on US terror list after Sony attack

The US is considering putting North Korea back on its list of terrorism sponsors after the hacking of Sony Pictures,…

10 years ago

The Interview: US insists North Korea is behind Sony attack

The US insists to reject North Korea's claim that it was not responsible for Sony Pictures cyber-attack. North Korea strongly…

10 years ago

Brooklyn shooting: Two NYPD officers shot dead inside patrol car

An armed opened fire and shot dead two police officers sitting inside a patrol car in New York City before…

10 years ago

Afghan detainees released from Guantanamo Bay prison

Four Afghan inmates have been released from the Guantanamo Bay prison and sent back to their home country, the Pentagon…

10 years ago