James J. Williams

Dead stars will one day guide spacecrafts through the cosmos

Scientists claim that spacecrafts could one day navigate through the cosmos using a particular type of dead star as a…

13 years ago

Cassini probe captured Enceladus geysers images

NASA’s Cassini probe has captured striking images from flying by three moons of Saturn, including new pictures of Enceladus's gushing…

13 years ago

Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder, has found Apollo 11 Moon engines

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announces that he has located the long-submerged F-1 engines that blasted the Apollo 11 Moon mission…

13 years ago

Fossilized foot bones discovered in Ethiopia give new insight into human evolution and ability to walk

The fossilized bones of a foot that were discovered in Ethiopia and dated to be 3.4 million years old gave…

13 years ago

Turin Shroud: new theories by Thomas de Wesselow

Cambridge art historian Thomas de Wesselow came with a new theory about the Turin Shroud, being convinced that it is…

13 years ago

Vast amounts of gas and dust detected in the super-bright galaxy ULAS J1120+0641

Vast amounts of gas and dust have been detected in the galaxy that contains the most distant supermassive black hole…

13 years ago

Cassini probe makes its lowest pass over the south pole of Saturn’s moon Enceladus

NASA’s Cassini probe will make today its lowest pass yet over the south pole of Enceladus, an active moon of…

13 years ago

Global warming existed during medieval times without human CO2 emissions

A new study shows that during medieval times the whole of our planet heated up without the aid of human…

13 years ago

How do cats survive falls from great heights?

Veterinarians and biologists say that cats' remarkable ability to survive falls from great heights is a simple and predictable matter…

13 years ago

James Cameron is back to ocean surface after he reached Mariana Trench

James Cameron has triumphantly resurfaced from the Earth's deepest point - Mariana Trench - where only two men have ever…

13 years ago

Avalanche experts study how ice cream’s stucture changes when it is stored in home freezer

Scientists at the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research in Davos, Switzerland, are helping specialists from Nestle to study how…

13 years ago

James Cameron begins diving to the bottom of Mariana Trench

James Cameron begins an attempt to become the first person in 50 years to visit the Mariana Trench, the deepest part…

13 years ago

Astonishing images of Earth as seen from the moon captured by a NASA’s MoonKam camera

Ebb, one of two washing-machine-sized NASA spacecrafts, has sent back a gallery of images of Earth from an orbit just 35…

13 years ago

ISS crew took refuge in Soyuz escape capsules in space junk alert

International Space Station (ISS) crew took refuge in two Soyuz escape capsules as a piece of space junk drifted nearby.…

13 years ago

Asteroid Vesta has many features of a rocky planet

Data from a NASA’s Dawn spacecraft revealed that the giant asteroid Vesta possesses many features usually associated with rocky planets…

13 years ago

NASA probe found evidence for the existence of water ice at Mercury’s poles

NASA’s Messenger probe has found further tantalizing evidence for the existence of water ice at Mercury's poles. Though surface temperatures…

13 years ago

About 9,000 Syrian ancient sites discovered using satellite images

About 9,000 of possible new ancient sites have been discovered by archaeologists using computers to scour satellite images. Jason Ur…

13 years ago

HadCRUT updated for world temperature data

HadCRUT, one of the main global temperate records, which dates back to 1850, has been updated by climatologists with amendments…

13 years ago

Black bears’ wounds healed without scars during hibernation

US researchers have found that black bears have a surprising capacity to heal while hibernating. Medical researchers and zoologists worked…

13 years ago

Kirtana Vallabhaneni named as the UK Young Scientist of the Year

Kirtana Vallabhaneni, a Merseyside student at West Kirby Grammar School has been named as the UK Young Scientist of the…

13 years ago

Skydiver Felix Baumgartner ready to set a new world record for the highest free-fall jump

Austrian skydiving daredevil Felix Baumgartner is more than halfway toward his goal of setting a world record for the highest…

13 years ago

St. Patrick’s Day: the patron saint left Roman Britain to avoid becoming a tax collector, say experts

The legend says that St. Patrick came to Ireland in the fifth century to spread the word of Christ and…

13 years ago

Neutrinos do not exceed light speed, found a new ICARUS experiment

A new experiment repeating the test of the speed of neutrinos has found that the subatomic particles do not travel…

13 years ago

Male Fruit Flies Rejected by Females Drink More Alcohol, Say Scientists

Scientists have discovered that male fruit flies that have been rejected by females drink significantly more alcohol than those that…

13 years ago

Fossils from a previously unknown human species discovered in China

The remains of at least five individuals from a previously unknown human species have been identified in southern China. The…

13 years ago